Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Write a Book Review!

I am inviting any SMA student to post a book review/recommendation on this site. You will need to create your own Google account in order to participate. You do NOT have to have a gmail account in order to post a comment. OR you may post anonymously as long as you sign off with your first name and last initial.  All comments will be checked by Mrs. Zipp before being posted to the blog. PLEASE check your spelling, grammar and punctuation before posting your comment.

Your book review should contain the following:
1. Title and author of the book along with a short summary.
2. The target audience recommended for this book.
3. What you liked/disliked about the book.
4. Sign off with your first name and last initial.

Click on the comment link to post your review.

Happy blogging!


Kristina said...

I read a book called "Summer Reading is Killing Me" by Jon Scieszka. Mrs.Cline told us to read this book over the summer. I think most people i the class liked it! I liked the book because you can see your self as them. What it don't like is in some parts it is boring but it is still a good book!
-Kristina V. 4th Grade

Anonymous said...

I read a book called dork diaries over the summer, this book is about a girl named Nikki in 8th grade at a new school withe no friends she has a locker right next to the most popular girl in school who pretty much hates her she knows it's going to be a bad school year... This book is by Rachael Renee Russel... if you like comedy books this is probably a good book for you!
-Nicole B.

Gaston said...

I recommend a book called "fantastic Mr. Fox". I think it is a good book for people who like animals and adventurous stories.This is a good book for 3-5 grade.

Gaston S. 5th grade